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heres some dirty aspects of solar panels, the silicon dust generated by their manufacture is causing lung diseases, the toxic metals are well,toxic. The rare earth minerals used cause radioactive waste thats uncontained. Those rare earth minerals are often mined by slave and child slave labor. Uranium mining on the other hand is the least impact mining we have and it will only get lower if you use ocean extraction of uranium, which i would honestly prefer as a uranium source

@Laurelai low impact you say?

@Mari_Kurisato I said lowest impact. Everything has an impact and what happened to their water supply is exactly why i want ocean extraction which has virtually zero impact

@Laurelai Honestly as Native, I don't want any nuclear plants on Turtle island. But whites don't listen to Natives.

And the nuke plants won't clean up the rezes they ruin. No one did for the Navajo.

@Mari_Kurisato Its either nuclear or fossil fuels. 100% renewable isnt possible. Theres not enough energy storage on the planet to make it work.

@Laurelai The thing was? There was enough energy for 14,000 years prior to 1492. Now suddenly, there's not enough. :(

@Mari_Kurisato Because now theres 7 billion people on the planet dependant on modern technology for their survival.

Jose Varela @escapist


The answer is to decentralize the grid by building small, safe generators that can be housed anywhere. That's what my employer @LPPFusion is working on.