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Condolences to the person running (which lost its database). I know that sinking feeling as you realize that something went wrong.

Let it be a serious reminder to everyone to have regular backups.

I've lost an entire VPS to Scaleway once, it wasn't even anything I did, their hardware just failed. Not having backups is living on the edge.

@Gargron I know what it means to lose data, too. Since my last big data loss (I think is was a Diaspora* instance) I make daily backups to an external server. It saved my ass several times 😬

@thomas @escapist @Gargron excepted when you realise too late backup to be corrupted :(

@lpenou @thomas @escapist The ideal, diligent way of doing this is to have an automated restore from backup on a staging server, and if that fails you get notified. I doubt most people would go that far though.

Jose Varela @escapist


@lpenou @thomas

People running the big instances should do it. I'm the only user on mine so it's not worth the effort.