Jose Varela is a user on You can follow them or interact with them if you have an account anywhere in the fediverse. If you don't, you can sign up here.

Jose Varela

U.S. Politics Show more

Jose Varela boosted

tip that works for me for when executive functioning is really low or on the fritz Show more

Jose Varela boosted

uspol, masto meta Show more

Jose Varela boosted

iOS when you connect to a new PC to charge like "do you trust this computer" my friend I have never trusted a computer in my entire life

Jose Varela boosted

Honestly, I’m sure part of the reason I’m a disgusting slob is because my grandparents tried to shame me into cleaning by only ever saying how I’m a girl which didn’t seem like a good enough reason to a 5yo and doesn’t seem like one now. ...ofc I still take most responsibility for being a gross slob at my age :v but that’s irrelevant to my rant

Jose Varela boosted

Finishing up with my favourite pic from this jaunt, a foreboding pic of the castle amid a cornfield underneath a gathering storm as the winds picked up. Got trapped by the rain exploring this castle, the upper levels of which were inaccessible and the lower level of which was just a giant empty pit.

Jose Varela boosted
Jose Varela boosted

I get a little nervous about dining out alone but that quickly subsided when I witnessed an entire table of four French tourists eating their burgers with a knife and fork.

Jose Varela boosted

Dear admin friends, if you do find some altright instances, I hope you'll let us know

Jose Varela boosted

EFF supports legislation to create “information fiduciary” rules that would apply to online companies that collect personal data from their customers.

While the devil is in the details, those rules might look something like this. source:

Jose Varela boosted

What I need is a gym that is actually a library in peril that needs help moving all the books somewhere else. Don't care what the peril is.

Fake approaching fire? Cosplayers dressed as marauders? An evil capitalist cackling and twirling a mustache? Doesn't matter.

I'd go all the time. And browse pretty heavily when on cool down.

Jose Varela boosted

#activitypub based Link Aggregation app is coming really soon! 🤠

Jose Varela boosted


If you use Instagram and your friends join Flickr instead, you'll have to move to Flickr or you'll lose contact with your friends.

If you use Pixelfed and your friends join Anfora... that's fine, because you can still follow each other as these platforms federate together through ActivityPub.

If any part of the ActivityPub network grows, all the platforms on the network get a bigger audience and all members get more potential friends.

Jose Varela boosted
Jose Varela boosted

that was a very good first hackerspace experience, I wanna go there again

Jose Varela boosted

Lots of alt-right signup on the fediverse.
Do report users, instances, etc.
We have the ban :war_hammer:

Jose Varela boosted

Mastodon's solution to the user verification problem is so elegant that i have tears in my eyes, I love it.
To zoom out, I think 2.6 is one of the most important releases of Mastodon. bigup to @Gargron and everyone else involved.

Jose Varela boosted

EFF’s Deputy Executive Director, @kurtopsahl, will be in São Paulo, Brazil at @roadsec on November 10 to discuss best practices for researching and disclosing vulnerabilities

Jose Varela boosted

Would folks who know they’ve got followers in Mid/North Wales be up for boosting?

We’re a transgender, nonbinary and questioning support and social group in #Machynlleth, trying to get off the ground. We meet fortnightly on Thursday evenings, in a wheelchair accessible hired space.

Jose Varela boosted