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Jose Varela

Jose Varela boosted

I am grateful for the time I get to have each of you in my life. I cherish the you that you share with me. I hope today sees you shine as brightly as you ever have and then some.


Jose Varela boosted

Selfie, eye contact, retootable Show more

Jose Varela boosted

alright, if I want simple-but-awesome autocomplete in Neovim for a variety of languages, what plugin(s) do y'all like? Deoplete[1]?


Jose Varela boosted

The basic idea of "information fiduciaries": when you give your personal info to online companies to get a service, they should have a duty to exercise loyalty and care in how they use it. This rule should support other data privacy protections. source:

Jose Varela boosted
Jose Varela boosted
Jose Varela boosted

I was thinking of buying my mother a pistachio tree for Christmas, but it turns out you need a male and female tree to get nuts. (I realise that sounds school-child hilarious) and there are two problems there... they are pretty expensive, and I'm not sure I can tie two trees to a rental car and drive halfway across a state like that.

I have done stranger things, so it might happen.

Jose Varela boosted

One of the very first things humans learn when they are born is to alert someone when they aren't okay. Then a bunch of people tell you not to and give you whole layers of shame about what you can need, when you can need it, and how you are allowed to ask, and who is allowed to ask, etc., etc.

Fuck all that. We literally exist to help each other or else we wouldn't keep hanging out with each other and figuring out new ways to connect.

Ask for help when you need it because it's fucking normal.

Jose Varela boosted

Have a site that's still running without HTTPS? Get your certificate today: source:

Jose Varela boosted

#USpol #ND #NativeAmerican #VoterSupression Show more

Jose Varela boosted

Patent troll Shipping & Transit LLC filed more than 500 lawsuits against companies just for using basic package-tracking technology. That's some real #CreepyIP, @uspto. source:

Jose Varela boosted

every time i come home there's a new thing happening on mastodon and it almost never makes a single fucking ounce of sense

Jose Varela boosted

Reasons why citations appear in papers Show more

Jose Varela boosted

Clowns Show more

Jose Varela boosted

USpol, vote suppression, Georgia Show more

Jose Varela boosted
five or six people got together
they wrote an incredible story full of lust, murder, betrayal, trauma, pain, and anger
they wrote 4 epic albums, incorporating guitar, bass, drums, piano, harps, and a full orchestra
they recorded and produced it, completely independently
and nobody knows about them

xanthochroid are literally the most talented musicians alive today, probably even above igorrr

please listen to them, im like begging at this point
Jose Varela boosted

You only need (depending on the time of year) 3-9k in preorder sales to be a NYT bestseller.

By the way, when I sell this dang book to a publisher, whomst would like to help me make that goal? It's entirely doable.

Jose Varela boosted

25% of organizations using the public #cloud has suffered data theft. Why are you still allowing employees to risk security by using private Dropbox, Google Drive & OneDrive accounts? There is a solution.

Jose Varela boosted

#Firefox #ProTip: Stop videos from autoplaying! (Updated for Firefox 63!)

1. Go to `about:config` and convince it that you know what you're doing.

2. Search for `media.autoplay.default`.

3. Double-click `0` and enter `1` if you want to always block, or `2` if you want to be prompted for every site that tries to autoplay (which can help with some sites that don't work quite right with blocked autoplay.)

4. Enjoy your significantly-more-pleasant browsing experience!

Jose Varela boosted