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Jose Varela

Jose Varela boosted

#introduction I am an IWW living in Baltimore. I started a workers cooperative bike shop. Now I work at a democratic school. I have hording kind of thing ... but with books. I ride a bike to work ... and a few times a year I ride a bike for fun too.

Jose Varela boosted

I never read *A Brave New World*. It's a scandal and that's why it's time to start reading it NOW!

The Dutch translation is waiting on my nightstand (in epub format that is). I can also read it in English, but I read so much English nowadays, that it's relief to read in my mother tongue once in a while. Hopefully the translation is okay, although the translation of the title (Heerlijke nieuwe wereld) is a bad sign.

#AldousHuxley #BraveNewWorld #books

Jose Varela boosted
Jose Varela boosted

SESTA/FOSTA has already silenced legitimate discussions online, and this might be just the beginning. source:

Jose Varela boosted

HERE WE GO now we have the customizable #tabaxi #cat #figures as an official #etsy listing!
These are perfect for #DnD or other #tabletop games if you're up for adding other accessories to them #mastoart #3Dprint

Jose Varela boosted
Jose Varela boosted

#introductions it's been a while since i did one of these things!

👋 im erin

a subset of the things i am:
constantly anxious

a subset of the things i do:
program a ~ton~ when i'm not feeling shitty
head up the rustodon project (, a mastodon-compatible platform but in rust
machine learning research for $dayjob
listen to and play music. synths are life
build electronic things
love cuties
hug sad people
attempt to be supportive

[inspired by @bea's introduction. follow her. she's good. <3]

Jose Varela boosted

This is mostly a note to myself, because organizing is hard, creating points of Unity is hard, working with people at different stages of maturity etc is hard and frustrating what drew a group of people together in one circumstance does not always hold in every situation

Jose Varela boosted

📣PSA 📣

Please add descriptions to your images.

There are visually impaired users floating about the federverse and they deserve descriptions.

A simple description of "airplane" or "cute Kitty" is sufficient. You can do more if you like, but at least add a succinct, basic description if possible.


Jose Varela boosted

For fans of floating-point weirdness:

Neural nets usually have explicit nonlinear layers. But a "linear" deep net implemented in IEEE floating point can still learn nonlinear functions— b/c IEEE FP itself is highly nonlinear near zero, which can be used on purpose by a suitable algorithm.

Jose Varela boosted
Jose Varela boosted

Whatever you can give will help out me and my bun sis, @bunmonstermom ! money will be used to send her stuff and important papers from Ohio and Virginia to Washington, as she's moving in with us here. more help the better! She needs those papers to schedule a cancer screening.

How we got in this position is a sordid story, but effectively she's stranded but also wants to live with us

She could have cancer for all we know, and her going back to Ohio for her appointment won't be the best idea 'cause she will be out of home a few months later there

Send any money to

thank you SO much!

Every boost counts and would be so much appreciated

Jose Varela boosted

People are talking about my avatar again so I guess it's time to repost the full picture, drawn by the very talented @DearMsDear

Jose Varela boosted

"y'know what'd be great. A new theme".

>half an hour of downtime ensues

"y'know what'd be great. A working mastodon instance."

Jose Varela boosted

hey boardgame peeps, I assume some of you are wargamers and an even smalelr subset of that group might be into tanks.

I was wondering if y'all had any ideas for the front of this vaguely eastern european tank turret?

here are some ideas that dont quite work imo

Jose Varela boosted

police, black lives matter, stephon clark Show more

Jose Varela boosted

whew this english language dialect survey is hard

Jose Varela boosted

Money begging, heart surgery, trans health Show more

Jose Varela boosted

Hello everyone, allow me to do an #introduction of myself.

I am very passionate about free software, and free culture. I also work in the civil liberties and information security spaces (currently at Freedom of the Press Foundation).

Currently live in #California, but originally based in #Massachusetts.

Jose Varela boosted

Silicon Valley thinks we are in a moment of “anti-tech sentiment”

Loooool no we just finally woke up the masses to the San Francisco business model. Notice that nobody’s mad at Intel! Nobody’s complaining about how VLC killed a woman testing some machinery. Nobody thinks propaganda in Mint Linux tainted a presidential election. No buddy that’s an anti-corruption sentiment you’re catching. You have a corrupted business model.