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Jose Varela

Jose Varela boosted

People have asked “what is the connection between astrophysics and LPPFusion’s fusion research?” Our device uses plasma instabilities to form filaments to compress and heat the plasma. This process is found everywhere in the cosmos. A new paper in the leading journal Astronomy and Astrophysics shows that a hierarchy of filaments-within-filaments leads to the formation of stars like our Sun. Hannes Alfven first hypothesized this process in 1972.

Jose Varela boosted

LPPFusion Chief Scientist Eric J. Lerner recently published an article in MNRAS--a leading AstronomyJournal--that suggests the Big Bang expansion theory is wrong. Lerner's book "The Big Bang Never Happened" was published decades ago. Cosmology theories affect plasma physics and ultimately our understanding of fusion energy, and our ability to reproduce a star-like power here on Earth. Recently, others have begun to question it as well.

Jose Varela boosted

The Canadian documentary Let There Be Light, released in March 2017, featured LPPFusion along with a few more private and government fusion research projects in the world. The documentary follows the story of dedicated scientists building a small sun on Earth. It is now free to watch for Amazon Prime users.

Jose Varela boosted

Our little sun in the lab, once functional, will put a stop to air, soil and land pollution by fossil fuels and it will lift the standard of living for everyone in the world to the point where resource wars will become obsolete.

Jose Varela boosted





go follow my two friends and give them a warm welcome cause they just joined the fediverse!!!!!


Jose Varela boosted

Hi folks. Appreciate if you pass this job posting onto anyone who may be interested > Got some serious Dev/Ops chops? We're looking for an experienced Agile Scrum Master to lead the @bccampus Dev/Ops team Experience in BC post-sec and/or open education and/or WordPress huge assets

Jose Varela boosted

This month's patron request!

It was supposed to be a surrealist plushie but... it may look a bit more sci-fi than surrealist? Maybe, idk

#illustration #bunny #plushie #art #mastoart #digitalart

Jose Varela boosted

We're truly blessed to have so many artists here. Despite obvious benefits of making our life more interesting they generate exclusive content - that's what growing platform really needs. They make network look better. Thank you for being with us, you're very important.

Jose Varela boosted

The European patent was just granted! This is in addition to the US, Canadian, Chinese and Australian patents that have been granted!


Jose Varela boosted
Jose Varela boosted

#1974 "Conversational Dynamics" Show more

Jose Varela boosted
Jose Varela boosted

#1972 "Autogyros" Show more

Jose Varela boosted

Twitter friends: A scammer is impersonating EFF in replies to our tweets. @EFF is not giving away Ethereum or any other cryptocurrency. Please use common sense before sending cryptocurrency to strangers. source:

Jose Varela boosted

I'm super excited to have an instance dedicated to music discussion. I feel like this is going to make for a *very* lively and interesting local time line.

So, let's kick things off right.

I run a radio station at

It's a selection of the #Jazz, #Blues, and #Country music from the Great 78 collection.

If you'd like to know more, you can learn a little more here:

Jose Varela boosted

Hey everyone, thanks to @djsundog you can find me talking about music over at @ajroach42

I'll probably lay off the music talk on this instance, so if that's why you're following me, follow me there instead.

Jose Varela boosted

People are asking me to implement webmentions, and since I don't have a strong opinion on it (it would not be hard to implement), here's another poll:

Webmentions are like blog pingbacks, essentially, if you remember those.

Jose Varela boosted

@rysiek What would be sad is, honestly, I think users would flock to them, despite knowing that they're insecure.

I'm reminded of this USpol-adjacent comic.

Jose Varela boosted

At this point I would actually want to see a prepared statement from a large company reacting to a data breach, which starts with:
"We do not take data security seriously. We don't give a rat's arse about your privacy. Honestly, we can't be bothered. We know you're coming back anyway".

It would be refreshingly honest, really.

Jose Varela boosted

So a while ago I set out to rewrite the default Mastodon privacy policy to have a more limited scope and be more explicit about Mastodon features (because the original was adopted from WordPress, which is a totally different beast!). I've put a formatted render of the new text in here:

I wanna hear if people think it's okay to adopt. It might still have some vague wording because it's a default policy, but should be an overall improvement...