Jose Varela is a user on You can follow them or interact with them if you have an account anywhere in the fediverse. If you don't, you can sign up here.

Jose Varela

Jose Varela boosted
Jose Varela boosted

I didn't intend those stripes to be there but my printer decided they were on brand and honestly? it's right

Jose Varela boosted

How do you use Monit? Like how do you go about getting alerting on it? Is it _all_ through the conf?

Jose Varela boosted

in other news I did eventually go with borg for my backup decision and @CobaltVelvet may or may not be pleased to know that their advocacy partly influenced that decision

that and "borg check"

Jose Varela boosted

After submitting a bunch of PRs to Mastodon, I am once again back in space with @Prime

Jose Varela boosted

Inspired by @ajroach42 's thread on using old computers, I figured I should put this out on Mastodon. Does anyone have a use for either of the following?:

- A late 2008 Core 2 Duo Macbook Pro. (caveats: CD/DVD drive can't write, no battery, power adapter is a little ragged)
- A gen 2 ipod touch, 16gb

If you do get in touch and we'll figure something out! Free except for any shipping costs. I just don't want these things to go to e-waste.

Jose Varela boosted

Tired: smuggling memes from other social networks onto the fediverse.

Wired: making original fediverse memes

Galaxy Brain: smuggling fediverse memes onto other social networks

Jose Varela boosted

poking around with an old ThinkPad 240 & Windows 98

Jose Varela boosted
Jose Varela boosted

The numbers on each frame show the time elapsed since the start of the pulse. The region shown of the anode, close to the end of the insulator is a cm wide. The filaments (bright stripes) first form and become more distinct, then at the end begin to merge together, becoming destroyed. The bright regions near the lower end of the sheath are heavily contaminated with tungsten vaporized from the anode.

#DPF #FoFu #FocusFusion

Jose Varela boosted

The Finnish Nuclear Society ATS featured us in their magazine ATS Ydintekniikka. They sent us a copy. It's a shame no one on the team understands Finnish :(

Jose Varela boosted

It is, unfortunately, impossible for me to stay in bed and go to work at the same time, which means it's time to stop being cozy, I suppose.

Jose Varela boosted

There is currently an issue where #Tusky repeatedly crashes on startup that affects a few users. It can be resolved by clearing Tuskys data. Sorry for the inconvenience 😕

Jose Varela boosted

tl;dr: if we base authority on "who you are", there's no such thing as "principle of least authority" because your whole authority is... the entirety of you.
If we base it on "what you hold onto" we can do a whole lot of cool things!

Programmers: if you're against global variables and if you like lexical scope, then you 100% will like object capabilities. That's usually how they're implemented!

Jose Varela boosted
Jose Varela boosted

There's a new bill in California that would provide residents with free and convenient credit freezes. Here's why we support it source:

Jose Varela boosted
Jose Varela boosted

"Let There Be Light", a documentary that explores fusion research by focusing on three projects (including ours) will be broadcast on CBC tonight at 10:00PM!

If you know someone who's interested in watching, please send along the information!

Jose Varela boosted

Benefits of Focus Fusion

-Cheap, Hydrogen-Boron (pB11) fuel
-pB11- the highest energy density fuel
-Safe, clean
-Direct conversion to electricity
-Small size - fits in a garage
-Decentralized, independent generators

Jose Varela boosted

If you can make it to Albany, NY on May 8 please consider joining Food & Water Watch to tell NY state it's time to move to 100% Renewable Energy.